Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Everything Butt

The studio was overwhelmingly fumey this morning when I unlocked the door. I was hit with a wave of  gloss paint smell... not one I'm adverse to, but maybe not quite at that strength!! All windows were duly flung open in a bid to ventilate the room quickly.

Looking at my progress I was disappointed to see a few runs in the paint. Because of my shoulder and its limited movement, aches and pains I chose to work with the board standing on the floor leaning against my drawing desk rather than placing it flat on a table or the ground. The latter would indeed get rid of the paint's tendency to run but I would have found it very difficult to work on.

So, just plod ahead and adapt where necessary... I don't really like working to someone else's design... I know for this it needs to be more child-like than correct anatomically so again I need to try and dispense with what I would do and try to work within the design I have been given. I have adapted it a bit but  can't do too much other-wise it wouldn't fit the board shape.

By lunchtime I had got this far and needed to wait a bit for the paint to dry off a little before I continued.

Cracked on with the lion during the afternoon and this is how far I have got....

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